Saturday, May 24, 2008

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You are indebted


You are indebted


What to do?

You have debts!
You are no longer able to repay them.
You are in a serious financial situation.

Before initiating any procedure for handling situations debt, ask your debt rescheduling , or delay payment to your creditors.

If the situation persists, you can enter the debt commission.

You can benefit from the procedure for handling situations indebtedness.

This procedure allows, under certain conditions:

  • grant repayment periods;
  • of reduce the amount of debt or to erase part or all.
Under what conditions can you benefit from the procedure for handling situations of debt overhang?
  • loans you have made have become too large relative to your resources, you can not pay your monthly payments.
  • Unforeseen events (unemployment, divorce, illness, accident, death in your family ...) prevent you from paying your current living expenses (rent, expenses ...).
What should you do?

You must contact the debt commission individuals who is responsible to help you solve your situation if you're deeply in debt (e).

Where is she?

There is a debt commission individuals, in each department, located

Bank of France.

You find the address and phone number of the debt commission closest to your home directory, the Prefecture or by contacting social services.

relationship with the bank


The procedure does not create excessive debt mandatory withdrawal of the checkbook and / or credit card it depends on the decision of each bank. Indeed, nothing in the text, not have to. Do not confuse registration FICP (Incidents loan repayment) and FCC (File Central Cheques: Delinquency reported on checks and bans issuing checks).

Some bankers are hiding behind the Bank of France or the Commission to accept this decision to the debtor. If hold a bank account is a right, payment methods are themselves at the sole discretion of the bank.

Moreover, some bankers can forget existing regulations and should remind them of the prohibition to levy charges on the release of levy. Article L.331-3: " In case of rejection of a notice of levy Post-notification of the decision on admissibility, the creditors can not collect fees or commissions relating thereto. "

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The seizure of the debt commission

exists Commission indebtedness in each department. The Secretariat of the Commission is provided by the branch of the Bank of France the debtor's domicile.

To refer to the Commission, the debtor must be a file Declaration indebtedness that will be sent by regular mail or deposited with the secretariat of the Commission.

This folder should contain indebtedness the following information:

  • the family composition (photocopy of the Family ...)
  • income (salary slips, Assedic Family Allowances Fund ...)
  • the assets (Cars, Real Estate , including Savings Savings Plan Company ...)
  • expenses (photocopies of rent receipts, Income Tax, Property Tax, Housing and TV license, Insurance ...)
  • the bank statements, all debts
  • should be mentioned, both the tax debts, delays rent, rental fees (...) the mortgages, personal revolving credit (...) made with financial institutions.

Within 48 hours after the filing of a record indebtedness, the secretariat of the Committee shall send a certificate of deposit and advised the debtor to file its FILING National Incident repayment of Loans to Individuals ( FICP ) for a period of 36 months .

Note that the secretariat of the Commission can not refuse record indebtedness, even if the debtor risk (with varying degrees of certainty) to be declared inadmissible in the proceedings.

that filing a record of indebtedness does not prevent you from paying creditors, and it is advisable to inform them of the procedure and send them a copy of the certificate of deposit (the creditors are not officially notified the secretariat of the Commission when filing a record of indebtedness).

data file used to analyze the situation of the applicant, named debtor :

  • calculate the capacity Refund defined as the Bank of France (total resources less amount of expenses that are a mix between fixed and actual expenses)
  • define the garnishable portion, which is a calculation defined by law : amount of resources - remains to Live, which is equal to a percentage of resources. If
    repayment capacity (VC) can be negative, garnishable portion will always be positive. The lowest amount between the CR and the QS is selected by the secretariat of the Commission.
  • determine the overall debt of the debtor .

The Insolvency Commission of each department shall meet at least once a month. The commission is composed of 6 members is chaired by the Prefect (actually, one of his representatives). Are present the Paymaster General (who is vice chairman), the Director of Tax Services, the representative of the Banks, consumer groups or family, the Bank of France, and 2 personalities involved in an advisory and supporting degree experience in the legal field and in the field of social and family economics. In case of equality the chairman counts double.

How to apply?

You must contact by mail or file an application signed by you, the secretariat of the committee of your department.

Your application must contain the following information:

  • your name, address and telephone
  • your family situation (single, married (e), PACS (e) ...);
  • your housing (owner , tenant, housing ...)
  • the amount of your resources (salaries, allowances ...), your assets (property, savings ...)
  • your total debt (Reporting late payment of rent, tax arrears, personal loans repay ...) and your current expenses (bills, childcare costs, school canteens ...)
  • the names and addresses of your creditors;
  • the name and address of your potential sureties ...

Your record must be completed documentation (photocopies) relating to your identity, your income and expenses.

  • The information you provide to the debt commission are confidential.
  • You must provide a list of all your creditors. In fact, if you forget to indicate some of the decisions the commission will not be applied to them, and they can continue their lawsuits against you (your seized assets for example).
  • Declare ALL your assets and ALL your income. Otherwise, you would not have the right to benefit from treatment measures of over-indebtedness.

Your application may be accompanied by a form letter of referral to the Committee

Panel Secretariat
of debt distress (department)

Banque de France (city)

I hereby (full name) residing at (address and telephone) seeks to benefit from the procedure for handling situations of indebtedness provided for in Articles L331-1 et seq consumption.

This request is justified by the fact that I can deal with my debts.
(Describe your family situation here debts, your resources and assets) .

I am at your disposal for any further information relevant to the investigation of my case.

Done at ... on ...


How is the procedure before the commission?

1 - The committee informs you that she has received your request.

2 - It may ask you to come in person or you can request a hearing to give details on your situation. You must warn him of any event that would occur during the procedure and who have financial consequences for you, such a dismissal, a seizure (the commission may ask the judge to suspend), a new job.

3 - The committee has nine months to investigate your case and tell you if it is accepted or not.

  • If the commission refuses your application, it means that your financial situation does not justify the application of a treatment measure of indebtedness.
  • If the committee accepts your case, that means you can benefit from able to deal with situations of indebtedness.


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solutions to your debt

Upon the filing of your application to the commission, it must ask the Bank of France your registration f ile incidents Payment (FICP).
This file can be accessed by all credit institutions.


Possible solutions

If the committee accepts your case, that means you can enjoy a measure of treatment situations indebtedness.

Three solutions are possible

The conventional plan of reorganization

The committee may propose a plan for amicable settlement of debts which can take up to 10 years . It is an agreement between you and the people you owe money. It must be signed by you and your creditors.

The interest of the plan is:

  • allow the spreading in time of repayment of your debts;
  • reduce the total amount that you owe to different persons or organizations;
  • lead to suspension any proceedings against you by your creditors (eg seizure of your assets ...).

In return, the board may require you to have a behavior that will facilitate the payment of your debts:

  • provide guarantees to creditors (Mortgages, bonds);
  • no longer borrow or go into debt until you have repaid your debts existing
  • sell property belonging to you.

If no plan of debt repayment has been established between you and your creditors, the board officially inform you of this letter.

In 15 days of receipt of this letter, you can write a letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the Committee having intended to ask the judge to propose the implementation of appropriate measures to your situation.

Be aware of deadlines! Beyond 15 days, your request can not be taken into account.

The measures recommended by the debt commission

The actions requested by the committee may be:

  • spreading in time of repayment of your debts (payment terms);
  • reduce the amount of your debts (eg lower interest rates your loans ...);
  • a suspension of payment of your debts for a maximum of two years, followed by partial clearing, if your situation warrants it.

In return, the board may require you to have a behavior that will facilitate the payment of your debts:

  • provide guarantees to creditors (mortgages, bonds);
  • no longer borrow or go into debt As you do not repay your existing debts;
  • sell property belonging to you;

These measures proposed by the committee are sent a judge who makes them mandatory.

In all cases, you can not stop paying what you owe to your various creditors before receiving authorization (e) by the commission or judge .

Judge of performance located at the High Court of your home and take decisions in the cases of over-indebtedness are . When the Committee proposes measures to help the indebted people example, it verifies that they are appropriate to your situation and make them mandatory.

Your situation financial deepening? You can not meet the repayment plan or the measures recommended by the commission and approved by the judge? You can ask the commission to make further recommendations to suit your new situation. Whatever your situation, please contact the Commission for the update. If you know a social worker, tell him your problems.

The request to initiate a process of personal recovery

If your financial situation warrants it, the commission may ask the judge to run to open a personal recovery proceedings.

> Concretely

Under certain circumstances, your debts will be erased .

> What are the requirements for the commission to present this request to the judge?

You must be in dire straits, so much so that even a refund of your debts in installments is possible.

Your financial situation is then considered "hopelessly compromised". This

procedure can not be applied if you agree (and you have given your written consent ).

If all conditions are met, then the commission will send your file to the enforcement judge who will review it.

The personal recovery proceedings

Who can request the application of this procedure?

  • is the debt commission, which in principle makes the request after reviewing your file.
  • The enforcement judge can also make this decision at the time of challenge to a decision of the committee.
  • You can also apply directly to the justice of the execution in case you have filed a case before the debt commission for over 9 months and it has given you no answer.

How is the process of personal recovery?

  • In court, the enforcement judge decides whether the personal recovery procedure applies whether or not your financial situation.

two possibilities arise:

1) The judge found that you can not qualify, he then sends the file to your debt commission which will deal with your new situation

2) Otherwise, it opens the process of personal recovery. He can then appoint someone to review your financial situation more accurately. This person is called an "agent".

you disagree with a decision made by the Committee

You can challenge a decision to the judge who will review your performance record.

How to apply?

Ask the court of first instance of your home.

What are the powers of the Judge?

After you have heard, the judge may confirm or vary the decision of the debt commission.
It can also offer you, if you agree, a process of personal recovery.

What is the procedure before the judge of the execution?

Before the judge, you can come alone (e) or to be accompanied or represented by a lawyer, an association, by your spouse or a close relative.

unlock savings and other credit

When recovery plan is in place for several years, and the debtor has an employee savings plan, he may petition the Commission to regularly ask (every year if it wishes) early release to facilitate the success of the Plan, or to meet expenses unexpected. In the same vein, to obtain new credit, it must seek the agreement of the Commission. To do this, send the Commission a letter, a copy of the current plan, a loan offer of a credit institution, an update of its resources (payslip, CAF. ...) And its load ( rent, taxes ... ..). The latter will analyze the situation and give its approval if the monthly installment of the new loan does not affect the smooth running of the Plan.

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When should I refer to the Commission of indebtedness?

Before entering the Committee indebtedness to the extent possible, moving closer to a consumer organization, or social services to to take stock and try to find the appropriate measures or (renegotiation of loans, deferral of payment, welfare).
If these measures are not feasible or are insufficient, submit your application to the debt commission , you will find contact information at the prefecture of your department.

Who go to get welfare?

There are many social benefits. Initially, check with social service of your local , for what concerns the basic needs (food, clothing, transport, ...), these services distribute, in terms of resources, personalized assistance checks.

If you have serious difficulties paying your rent, you can apply to the solidarity fund for housing (FSL) to obtain financial assistance. Also remember to contact the family allowance fund to obtain or maintain in case of unpaid rent, individual housing allowance (APL).

Finally, General Councils also award a number of financial aid you may find useful. Contact Social Services Authority.

What are the main things which I may be applied when
I do not pay my creditors?

Out procedure indebtedness, creditors have a veritable arsenal in order to cover the debts you owe. They may well do

  • foreclosure,
  • an attachment on your furniture so that they are not sold,
  • a seizure on your bank account, your fees and your vehicle.

It is therefore essential to take advice notified as soon as the first financial difficulties arise , and not to "play dead" before the reminders of your creditors.

What assets can be seized?

In case of attachment certain property should be left at your disposal. These goods are those which are necessary for everyday life:

  • clothing, bedding, linens,
  • objects and products needed for body care and maintenance of premises,
  • food, household objects
  • necessary for preparing and storing food,
  • appliances for heating,
  • table and chairs to have meals together,
  • furniture for storing clothes,
  • household goods, washing machine linen,
  • books and other objects necessary for further education or vocational training,
  • objects children
  • personal memories or family
  • animals apartment or guard animals
  • for the subsistence of the debtor as well as food for their livestock,
  • instruments required for the personal exercise of professional activity
  • a telephone allowing access to fixed telephone service.

Regarding the procedure in personal recovery, law states that can not be liquidated the property needed for daily life and personal goods essential to the exercise of professional activity of the debtor , such as a car or computer.

What is the composition of the Commission of indebtedness?

People who sit in Commissions indebtedness are defined in Article L.331-1 of the Consumer Code . The Presidency est assurée par le Préfet, représentant de l'Etat, et la vice-présidence par le Trésorier Payeur Général ; le directeur des services fiscaux du département y siège également de droit ; ces trois personnes peuvent se faire représenter par un seul et même délégué.

La Commission compte aussi parmi ses membres un représentant local de la Banque de France, une personne désignée sur proposition de l'Association française des établissements de crédit et des entreprises d'investissement, et une autre sur proposition des associations familiales ou de consommateurs. Les deux parties (créanciers et débiteurs) sont ainsi représentées.

reform creating the device in personal recovery has also introduced two new personalities who will be asked to serve on the committee:

· a person who can demonstrate experience in the field of social economy and family

· a second person possessing a degree or experience in the legal field;
But their voices are only advisory.

What are the debts that can be addressed by the committees of indebtedness? What is the status of debts tax?

The debt commission treats all debts other than debts professional. Thus, in addition to debts related to credit, are also involved in this procedure debts rents, condominium fees, electricity bills, water, hospital fees, canteen, etc..
All personal debts, including those related to bail, are taken into account.
Tax liabilities, of whatever nature (tax shelter, property tax, income tax, license fee, ...) are now treated like other debts.

Can I request an automatic application of the procedure in personal recovery?

No. It is the Commission indebtedness that will decide the orientation of your file, either by entering the justice of execution in order to initiate proceedings in personal recovery, either by opening a procedure "classic" (see diagrams ).

But you can obviously challenge decisions relating to the admissibility of your case and the recommendations of the Commission . Take this opportunity to advocate the initiation of proceedings for reinstatement staff if you feel that this is the best solution to your situation, one that will give you a second chance.

Who is the Judge of Execution (JEX)?

The enforcement judge, commonly called the JEX, is the President of the Tribunal de Grande Instance of the domicile of debtor, or a judge delegated by the President. It is now the true indebtedness judge, since he comes every time the case is brought to justice.
It is also competent to solve the difficulties arising during a seizure or during the execution of a court decision.

I have already asked the Commission and a settlement plan has been established. Can I benefit from the new procedure for personal recovery?

Since your situation has already been reviewed and a plan (or recommendations) has been established, you can request a review of your application only if a new and unpredictable event occurred, changing your financial situation and do more to meet their obligations under the plan that you accepted.
It may be a drop in income (changing your work situation for example) or an increase in your expenses (new dependent, for example).
In this case, you can make contact again with the secretariat of the Insolvency Commission your department to form a new folder.

In which case the Insolvency Commission can she reject my application?

The Commission can declare that your case is inadmissible if it considers that you are unable to meet all your personal debts but if you are in bad faith .
It can also reject your application if you knowingly make false statements to when completing your record or replace inaccurate documents or if you have your property embezzled or concealed, or attempted to do so in whole or in part.

If I enjoy the personal recovery proceedings leading to the cancellation of my debts, what will the consequences be? Will I have to sell my house, my security, my other assets? Will I be stuck?

Insofar as you have assets seized, the judge may impose a compulsory liquidation. Your house will then effectively be sold either on an amicable foreclosure. Your securities will be liquidated. With regard to other goods, the goods necessary for everyday life and personal goods essential to the performance of your work will not be liquidated.
You will be also on the roster on repayment incidents related to credits held by the Bank of France and accessible only to credit institutions.

If I file an application to the Commission, will I be able explain. If yes, can I attend and by whom?

Yes. The law specifically provides that you may request to be heard by the Commission and you can make your request by letter . You will then be convened at least fifteen days before the date of the meeting. You can be assisted by a person of your choice, for example, a lawyer, a consumer organization, a family association ....

I'm in serious debt as a result of problems I met there over a year while I was self-employed. Can I enter the Insolvency Commission?

Yes. Merchants and craftsmen who have ceased their activity for more than a year can benefit from the procedure indebtedness, since they can not after this time invoke the procedures for the prevention and settlement of business difficulties (Article L 333-3 of the Consumer Code). The courts have recognized this possibility and found that the existence, alongside the personal debts, debts related to the former occupation is not an obstacle to the application of the law on the treatment of over-indebtedness (Court of Appeals of Metz, April 24 1990).

Referral to the Commission allows it to stop the prosecution of creditors?

If you have any pending lawsuits, when you drop your file to the secretariat of the Commission, you must state so she asked the judge to the to suspend execution these procedures. Attention, prosecutions to recover debts of support may in no case be suspended. Case of a foreclosure procedure, after the publication of command for seizure, the judge of the foreclosure which will then rule on the stay of proceedings.
Finally, if you get the personal recovery proceedings, the court which pronounced the opening of it automatically suspends enforcement procedures. However, in case of foreclosure, you will enter the foreclosure judge who is competent only to impose the suspension.

I read that if I asked to receive the new procedure for personal recovery, all my property would be sold. But what happens if the sale price is insufficient to pay all my debts?

If the price of the sale of your property other than your furniture necessary for everyday life and your personal goods essential to the exercise of your professional activity, which can not be liquidated, is insufficient, the Judge pronounces the closing of the proceedings for lack of assets, which erases all your debts unprofessional.

I am told that if I ask the benefit of personal recovery proceedings, it sell all my possessions. But I need my car to get to my work. How?

In this situation, your car is considered a non-professional need to the performance of your business and can not therefore be included in the list of goods for sale.

personal recovery procedure entails the decision be published in a journal of legal notices. I do not want my neighbors or my employer informed of my situation. Can it be avoided?

worry. The decision to initiate the process of personal recovery is actually the subject of a publication but only in the Official Bulletin des Annonces Civiles et Commerciales (BODACC), which is read as professionals and has very limited distribution.

If I enjoy the process of personal recovery, and I can not afford attorneys who will be responsible for the sale of my property, what will happen there?

This question is answered in the texts. The fees payable to the agent are paid in priority to the sale price of your property and if this sum is not enough, the balance is paid by the state under court costs. However, depending on your resources, the judge may decide to make a contribution your responsibility.

Entering 7 months ago, the Insolvency Commission has not yet established a plan. I wonder what action will be given to my file?

The commission has six months to review your case. If it does not do so within 9 months from the filing of your case, you can appeal directly to the judge to benefit from the procedure of personal recovery.
During the period between 6 and 9 months, the interest on your loans will be calculated on the basis of interest legal.