Monday, August 31, 2009

Easton Sv12 - Ssv1breviews

Orsini's viper (continued)

In the note of July 11, 2009 , we discussed a problem of conservation of Orsini's viper on one of the sites of occurrence in the Vaucluse. The SHF , alerted by Mr. Jean-Pierre Baron, had sent a letter to the Prefect of the department to alert the heritage status and fragile species.
Jean-Pierre Baron told us that this mobilization (not just the SHF, but many actors and stakeholders involved in conservation) has borne fruit, since in the end, everything went well. The bike race has taken place, and recommendations for public access to protected areas have been met. In total 20 people (including 5 sworn wardens, volunteers, program participants LIFE) were on the ground to monitor the course of the day. In addition to the barriers put in place by the General Council of Vaucluse to delineate the area of the BAPA, the barrier tape marked off a sensitive area off BAPA. The riders, members of the crew, and spectators were gathered on the road, and obviously did not feel the need to break the recommendations to go on the habitat of snakes. Population viper Orsini has endured without damage the flow of 25 000 total attendees to participate in this sporting event.
This experiment, based on mediation and dialogue, has been inconclusive. Hope for the future, local authorities will take into account before the project environmental constraints, and that they are who contact herpetologists and managers for advice.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hang In The Water Anode

4 th national meetings on conservation

Herpetological Society of France - Festival Ménigoute

4 th national meetings on the conservation of
amphibians and reptiles

Amphibians and reptiles are among the groups vertebrates that are currently the most threatened in the world. Sensitive to habitat destruction, they are also strongly affected by the use of toxic chemicals, climate change, introduction of invasive species and that all forms of trafficking (illegal trade in many species). In this context it is crucial to identify habitats "key" for ectotherms and implement appropriate management measures.

The Committee Conservation Herpetological Society of France (SHF) offers, for the fourth consecutive year a national day of meetings at the festival Ménigoute (Deux-Sevres). It revolves around two events:

A - Conservation Day. On Friday, October 30, 2009 from 10am to 18h
college Ménigoute
This day is devoted to the presentation of conservation actions undertaken or planned, to share experiences in the protection, inventory, management environments for amphibians and reptiles. It focuses on communications and posters made by scientists, managers, and representatives of associations. The morning will be devoted to the conservation of reptiles and the afternoon to that of amphibians.
A detailed program will be aired later on the website of the SHF.


Persons wishing to present an oral communication (20 'maximum, Powerpoint presentation) or written (poster) should contact Olivier HEAVY CEBC CNRS olivier.lourdais (at) cebc. stating:
- the theme of communication
- oral or written
- presenting a summary of Communication (A4 with title and address of authors)

B - Day 'Workshop . On Saturday, October 31, 2009 from 10 to 18 at the College of
This day is devoted to thinking in "round table" on a concrete problem of conservation of reptiles and amphibians. It addresses both the conservation players, managers spaces, homeowners and communities. The objective of this day is to identify management measures considering the needs of reptiles and amphibians and enforceable by different actors.
The theme this year is "The Importance of herpetofauna edges" with two questions:
- How to integrate reptiles and amphibians in management circles bordars?
- What are the constraints and opportunities in forest and wooded landscapes?

entry registration only.

Those wishing to participate should contact Olivier HEAVY CEBC CNRS olivier.lourdais (at)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Penis Shrink In Tight Underwear

Create youth

At the time of project closure Crea Garden

young Europeans have mounted an exhibition.

Here's the video and power point broadcast exposure:


Power point:

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Incubation. For Impatigo

Welcome to the blog of the commission "Participation of young people in local life"! CREA

The city of Tours (France) hosts this commission and develop projects with network members who are interested in this subject.

You will find all news of this commission and will comment at any time.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Bushnell Binocular Driver

GARDENS - Press book

The CREA GARDEN ends, 16 young Europeans met at Tours (France) around various workshops open to the botanical garden.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

How To Parallel Wire Alpine Subwoofer


At Botanical Garden Tours, 16 young farmers of Europe

They are 16 young Europeans from Tours (Fr), Isla ( mt), Brasov (RO) and Evora (Pt), which will meet at the Botanical Garden in August to share and learn from their differences.

Just last year the jury of the Entente Floral Tours attributed to the gold medal of the European flowering. What more natural then for the city of Tours, to host the botanical garden, 1 to August 20, sixteen young people from 4 countries members of AVEC (Alliance of European Cities of Culture) ...

Reprinted Tours Info July August 2009: