Friday, April 23, 2010

Taklamakan Desert On A Map

A day of support at the Summit of the Peoples

Climate and Social Justice and Democracy Platform in Honduras call individuals, associations, organizations sensitive to the urgency the climate issue, to join us in organizing a rally on the outskirts of the Embassy of Bolivia in support of the "People's Summit" * (in good agreement with the embassy), Saturday, April 24, to 16.00.

The rally, we want festive, will then go to the theater Marni for the day ends not just with words taken, but also a festival of Pachamama, organized in collaboration with our friends Latin America with the following groups:

• Llawar Mallku (Taller Arte Nativo Malku Yawar), Group Art d’art indien, de musique autochtone et créole des pays des Andes

• Pachamama-Bolivia, Groupe folklorique de danse, de la Bolivie

Nous désirons nous adresser à un public large et dépasser le cadre des gens déjà sensibilisés ; nous pensons que c’est un des sens de la journée du 24/04 : une journée de manifestation et de soutien, à la fois consciente et festive. Il reviendra donc à toutes les associations organisations de mobiliser.

Après la très belle expérience du Train pour Copenhague et de la manifestation du 11 décembre dernier, nous voulons continuer expand the network that brings us together and unites us in the fight against the inconsistencies that destroy the environment and undermine social justice.

If you are interested in carrying this gathering with us and join this call, thank you for calling: Jean-François Pontégnie (0476/03.65.45) or Sandra Invernizzi (0494/30.68.35)

(*) "Conferencia Mundial de los Pueblos sobre el Cambio Climático y los Derechos de la Madre Tierra"

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In Honduras, the normalization by the dirty war

Since the sham election on 29 November 2009 designed to whitewash the military coup of 28 June against President Manuel Zelaya, the "mediacracy" has it right: with the blessing of the United States and Europe, Honduras would have found democracy.

But now that the masks of the alleged "government of national reconciliation" fall. As in the 1980s, the regime launched a campaign of selective liquidation of militants and leaders of the National Front for Popular Resistance (FNRP), through death squads that operate with complete impunity. March 23, Professor Manuel Flores was shot in his hotel San Jose de Pedregal, before his students and colleagues. Union leader of the College of Teachers in secondary education, he was also a member of the Socialist Party Central. March 26, reporters from Channel 4 Juticalpa Ballardo Mairena and Manuel Juarez, were riddled with bullets by gunmen who had ambushed them. These two deaths are in addition to the five journalists murdered in a few months by the regime of President Porfirio Lobo.

March 25, eleven trade union leaders of Higher Education National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH) were arrested, handcuffed and shackled like criminals. In the department of Atlantida, five farmers were killed since the beginning of the year, including Jose Antonio and Jose Carias Cardoza, the Unified Movement of Peasants Aguán (Muca). Defender of the forest, Francisco Castillo, was also liquidated.

The High Commissioner for Human Rights of the United Nations (UN), Naty Ms. Pillay called on March 15 that opens an investigation into "the violations the right to life, torture, arbitrary arrests and rapes "in Honduras.

The coup preventive June 28, 2009 was indeed a warning to all peoples of Latin America, an attempt to halt, intimidation of the Bolivarian Alliance for the peoples of our America (ALBA), and sought to remake American Constable of Honduras in Central America.

Reinforced, diverse, inventive, non-violent opposition Honduran collected within the FNPR, do not disarm. It will begin from April to June, a major consultation National to collect the signatures of 30% of voters to demand a Constituent Assembly leading to the rebuilding of the country through the development of a constitution has now vouched for the people and not the army and the oligarchy.

The European Union is silent, as she resumed her relationship with Tegucigalpa that trade negotiations with all of Central America - which includes Honduras - next May to sign a free trade .

John Ortiz
Professor at the University Pau

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Two more journalists killed by gunshot

AFP - Two journalists were shot dead Friday in Honduras, bringing to five the total number of journalists murdered in this country during the month of March alone, it was learned official source.

The two journalists were traveling in their car in the Olancho department (is) when unknown persons opened fire at them from another vehicle, whose killers "even down to complete their victims, "he told reporters Rigoberto Contreras, Fire Chief Juticalpa, a town 200 miles east of Tegucigalpa, the capital.

Bayardo Mairena, who hosted programs on radio and local television, was killed instantly, and Manuel Juarez, his assistant, died of his wounds shortly afterwards in hospital, said fire chief added that they did not know the reasons for these killings.

They followed a string of murders of journalists committed this month. March 15, Nahum Palacios Arteaga, 34, was shot in his car in Tocoa (north). He worked for a radio and television stations. "We really wanted to kill him, the car had 41 impacts "of bullets, said a spokesman for the Ministry of Security.

journalist and a colleague had recently received telephone threats warning them to stop" defending the poor, "according to the Committee for freedom of expression, organization
private defense of the press.

Since the coup that overthrew President Manuel Zelaya June 28, 2009, "Nahum Palacios Arteaga had been abused and harassment by the military which had confiscated her
tools ", said the committee in a statement.

March 11, journalist David Meza, 51, was shot dead in his car in La Ceiba, the port on the Atlantic coast, 500 km north of Tegucigalpa. He was a correspondent for a radio and television station in the capital.

March 2, another journalist, Joseph Hernandez, 26, was killed in Tegucigalpa by gunfire that had injured Cabrera, a columnist who attributed the attack to followers of the former President Zelaya.

Source: France24

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For resistance against the coup

Platform for Democracy in Honduras

June 28, 2009, the Constitutional President Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, has been kidnapped by the army of Honduras and forcibly returned to Costa Rica, with the tacit support of the United States. One of the most reactionary oligarchy was installed in power by the military to prevent social reforms that were underway, and the democratization of the country.

Front resistance to the dictatorship was immediately formed, which erupted during all these months an unprecedented resistance to the dictatorship, despite the high level of repression, the wounded, dead, missing, censorship and destruction of some media independent.

The European Union condemned the coup in form, but in fact endorsed by failing to exert real pressure including commercial, which would have allowed the restoration of democracy; then by endorsing the fraudulent elections organized by the de facto power in December 2009, by which dictatorship has tried to clear his image.

Upon taking office in January 2010 the new president, Porfirio Lobo, while declaring to the form it would be vigilant on the issue of human rights, the EU was right subsequently considered as a valid interlocutor for resuming negotiations on a treaty of free trade.

Today, despite the fact that multiplied during the past few days the killings of trade unionists, peasants, journalists, resistance continues in Honduras and beyond. For us, it is essential to counter this coup Honduras, for the defense of democracy and freedom not only in Honduras but also throughout Latin America, and for the survival of liberal democratic governments that have given people in other countries such as Bolivia , Ecuador, Venezuela, Paraguay, Brazil ...

For us living in Belgium, it is also firmly reject the fact that the European Union and Belgium accept such a regime is, such democratic facades and tolerate such violations of human rights and the rule of law, it is to deny that - for the benefit of a few investors European and some transnational - or negotiated a free trade agreement with such a regime that was imposed on the bayonet course and opposed to social change and democratization of the country.

Solidarity with the people of Honduras!

Stoppers coup!

No to censorship and murder!

No trade negotiations!

E-mail: @ democratie.honduras
Tel: + 32 474576780

bank account to support the resistance: Houtart: IBAN: BE19 0634 1932 8712 / BIC: GKCCBEBB

Thursday, April 15, 2010

How To Stop Shoes Rubbing Ankles

natterjack toad has

Among the many animals on the subject of Marc and surroundings, it is one whose presence is more than important as its people are in real decline: the natterjack toad (Bufo calamita ).

Its size seldom exceeds 7 cm and its hind legs are much shorter than in the common toad. His back is covered with a thin light line. The natterjack toad moves running quickly, which is sometimes confused with the rodents. From April to August can be heard at dusk, the powerful metal scream emitted by the male. This cry can be heard hundreds of meters.

This frog looks for small shallow water bodies free from other frogs, it does not support, in fact, competition from other species of frogs and toads. He then lays into ponds where larval development is favored by rapid warming. It can be found in shallow ponds, gravel pits, sand pits, puddles ... intermittent

As we have said, the toad is largely in decline and is also among the species protected in Wallonia . So we decided to give them a boost on the reserve to ensure their survival in the area. Through the "calamity" of Natagora, two new surface pools were dug, and an existing pond has been enlarged.

Through this work, we can hope to meet a long time on this nice toad reserve.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Stunt Driver Wants To Make His Car Jump

Problem solved!


The maintenance yard is now complete, it's time to comments.

This Saturday, I was very pleased that the toads had calamity laid in the new pond. A dozen strings of eggs were there.

And then on Sunday morning, a biker gang crossed the reservation and tired.

I was able to challenge a group to discuss with them where they were traveling. But to no avail, they are in unknown territory, they have not seen the signs at the entrance, they are on a circuit route for several days but quite by chance. They do not participate in any organizations and of course the bikes are not registered.

I also came across more than twenty people, walkers, bikers on the trails around the heap. Imagine the encounter between these bikers running at full speed and walkers!

What can be put in place to limit access to reserve?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Reptile And Mammal Respiration

Nature Reserve "Marc and around" moved

Saturday, May 8 from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. A
Home Cultural Colfontaine,
(rue du Pont d'Arcola 14-7340 Colfontaine (Wasmes))

Afternoon Recreation on the theme of nature protection for children from 6 to 12 years

Support * by officials and voluntary nature reserve

5 workshops - Workshop
games - meaning
Workshop -
Craft Workshop - Workshop on "Nature in the Garden"
- Workshop "consumer / waste"

Registration required ( maximum 60 children),
Discount registration form or phone (065 78 08 60)
PAF: 5.00 € (meal included), payable at registration or by bank transfer to

* children will be welcomed at the Cultural House at 14:00 and will be collected by their parents from 17h00.Une liability insurance covers the potential risks inherent in this activity.