Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sayings For Christening Cakes

First evidence of the decline of snakes

The first study showing an alarming decline in populations of different snakes was published this month ( Reading et al. 2010. Are Widespread in snake populations decline? Biology Letters, doi: 10.1098/rsbl .2010.0373 ). This study was a massive global echo, in very many major television channels (Eg BBC, National Geographic, ABC, Al Jazeera ...), radio, websites and newspapers. Just type "snake decline" on google for testing.

With our colleagues in the Australian, British, Italian, Nigerian and ourselves (France), we compared our data sets on long-term follow that out over several decades on several continents. On 17 populations (8 species of snakes, including vipers, elapid, Colubridae, PythonIDE), 11 experienced a catastrophic decline and show no sign of recovery. The others are stable (or very slight increase). All populations followed in unprotected areas have seen their numbers reduced considerably. Most likely due to habitat degradation (loss of shelter, excessive use of pesticides ...). This is precisely the case for snakes studied in France who suffer greatly from the sudden intensification of agriculture (consolidation very strong, serious pollution ...) to the detriment of agriculture in line with the protection of environment. Stable populations are all in protected nature reserves. However, populations have declined even though they were in protected areas, indicating the existence of mysterious and probably still causes poly-factorial. This kind of widespread phenomenon is reminiscent of the global drop in the numbers of amphibians. Finally, the declines are characterized by declines in populations synchronized and relatively strong (between 1998 and 2002).
Our findings are disturbing and we encourage our colleagues to compare their data with ours. If our conclusions are asserting themselves, the consequences could be dramatic. The only positive is the huge advertising in the media, always carried out in an optical storage and emergency to protect the reptiles.

Xavier Bonnet

The asp, a snake in decline in France. (© J.-P. Vacher)

Wife And Husband In Shower

28 June 17h, event a year after the coup


A year to the day after


was shamefully endorsed by the United States,

by Belgium and EU

following the organization of pseudo-democratic elections,

while repression intensified, but that resistance is good,

come protest with us

this Monday, June 28 at 17:00

opposite the Embassy of Honduras,

3, rue des Gaulois

1040 Brussels (Metro Merode, bus 80, tram 81)






To find the Embassy of Honduras on Google Map: = q & hl = en & q = 3% 2C + street + the + Gallic 1040 +% 2C + Brussels% 2C + Belgium

Initiated by:

PLATFORM FOR DEMOCRACY IN HONDURAS, NCCD 11-11-11, CADTM CIFCA, CIDAL , Committee for Human Rights "Daniel Gillard," Committee for Solidarity with Bolivia ...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Myfriendshotmom .com Watch Online Free

Mowing Trail communal

This Saturday, June 18 at the old animations weekend heaps, we wanted to have access to the reserve more pleasant trail along the communal heap Marcasse was overgrown with nettles and brambles and if we want to enable walkers to discover our conservation work, it was unthinkable to leave it in that state.
A small team (but effective) members of the commission has mowed half past two in the entire length of the trail and access to the top of the heap has also been opened. Overgrown with brambles and closed the tray.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Buying Shoestring Liquorice

Screening of "Quien dijo miedo?" Katia Lara

June 24 at 20h at Botany .

The film Katia Lara - Honduran filmmaker well known - now exiled in Argentina, will be launched in his presence in Brussels June 24 simultaneously with the launch that took place throughout the month of June Madrid, Hamburg, Paris, Managua, San Salvador, Guatemala, San Jose, Caracas, Washington and San Francisco, a year after the coup in Honduras that has been perpetrated June 28, 2009.

For realistic: "There is no democracy in a country where thousands of men and women have no choice but to exile or death. Today I have the privilege and responsibility to tell our story of peaceful resistance "and adds" the international reaction to the situation in Honduras must be strengthened in order to force world governments to act on the wishes of their peoples instead of doing in support of imperialist interests. "

Synopsis documentary

Before the coup, Rene worked achieving TV spot to promote a consultation to enable the people of Honduras to decide whether to call a Constituent Assembly. On the morning of June 28, 2009 the referendum was replaced by a brutal coup against President Manuel Zelaya, who was kidnapped and deported.
QUIEN dijo miedo follows the Honduran people in resistance accompanying Rene, who has joined since the first day the Resistance Front against the coup. So we know about the plot of this awakening of the people who no longer wants to be the laboratory of the U.S. conres the changes taking place in Latin America.

QUIEN dijo miedo shows the barbarity of the dictatorship established, obscured by encercelement media. Every day for six months, the resistance manifested peacefully throughout the country, and strengthened despite the repression, detentions, beatings, lies, tanks, siege, curfews, killings, forced disappearances, illegal searches, closing media death threats ... After various attempts to return, Manuel Zelaya reappears unexpectedly at the Embassy of Brazil, surrounded by the army of Honduras, was converted to jail for four months. Rene has no other choice but exile to continue the fight.
November 29, 2009 The perpetrators of the coup organsient a show election to legitimize their new dictator Porfirio Lobo. Zelaya left the country on the day of taking possession of the Lobo.

The Frente Popular Resistance continues the non-reversible process created by the coup itself into a Constituent Assembly and for rebuilding the country. The world must be on guard. The experiment conducted by the United States can replicate ...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Throat Hurts Deeper Than Glands


Nature is capable of bringing us great emotions.
The discovery of a beautiful landscaped site, the observation of the rare success in the cultivation of a special plant, etc..
These emotions, it is one that ornithologists particularly enjoy: listening to the song of the Nightingale. Gifted vocal exercise, the Rossignol male occurs at all hours of the day, especially at night.
Back in our countries as soon as April, the artist looks for a wet thicket hard to penetrate when it moves into the waiting a female (males before females return). And there he produced a powerful and varied song, a succession of trills, whistles liquids and clucking sounds and murmuring "1. The benefits are the most impressive night, the calm of the night amplifying the sound production. Especially as the Nightingale is found primarily in remote locations of our overcrowded towns and villages: in the wet lowlands of our forests, in dense thickets of our valleys, swampy thickets of our countryside.
Unfortunately, this host once so common in our region is now increasingly rare. According to censuses conducted by Aves2 it no longer breeds in today's Western Hainaut that almost exclusively in the valley of hatred.
Therefore, what a pleasure for us to listen in the natural reserve of "Marc and surroundings." Since 2006 he has been heard every year on the site, in ditches and wet woods bordering the heaps. This year's first hearing was noted on April 17. He sang again three weeks later, evidence of its installation on site.
Hopefully we will hear it again for years. 1

Svensson and others, Birding Guide, Delachaux University Press. 2
Aves: association specializing in the study of birds, with Founding of Nature Reserves RNOB Natagora.