Monday, August 30, 2010

Free Accounts For Baitbus

Red List Meeting

The French committee IUCN continues to publish the chapters of the Red List of flora and fauna of France. Recently, it was the first chapters on the fauna of the Meeting that have been published. Amphibians and reptiles are among the groups evaluated.

Concerning amphibians, only two introduced species occur in RĂ©union. As a result, they are not subject to evaluation.

For reptiles, 7 species were assessed, and 3 of them are included in the categories of threat: Phelsuma inexpectata and Cryptoblepharus boutonii in the category "In critically endangered" and Phelsuma borbonica in category "Endangered". Note that 15 species of reptiles are introduced to the Meeting.

Regarding marine reptiles, 4 sea turtles have been assessed. The hawksbill turtle is "In critically endangered", and the green turtle "in danger".

The complete file is downloaded in pdf on the website of the French Committee of IUCN (click on link).

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Nice Places In Dallas

Project management with the local school teacher A. Busiaux

continuing effort to educate the local people in conservation and the environment, the commission heaps Borinage began two years an educational project in collaboration with kindergarten and primary A. Busiaux Petit-Wasmes.

Nature Reserve and surroundings is Marcasse thus came the theme of multiple activities within the school. The children were able, through nature walks, workshops and other activities, exploring nature and the world around them.

Various nature walks in the reserve have been held with children under the supervision of members of the reserve. These outputs are enabled to explore the subject at different times of the year, but they also have also been used to support traditional teaching.
During these trips, one theme Central was discussed: a tree, an animal, a biotope. This theme became the theme of the output, and the starting point for discovering the riches of the reserve and its environs.

These outputs were extended by various arts and crafts activities conducted throughout the year, always with the theme of the reserve as a backdrop: the initiation and completion of photo slide show, various crafts, crafts of all kinds , establishment of information boards for the reserve.
All these activities highlight the end of the first year by an exhibition that was also an opportunity children presenting to an audience enchanted a show and a play dedicated to the reserve.

These various activities and visits have helped sensitize a large number of these children in their immediate environment, and thus enable them to take ownership of their local heritage.
team of teachers from school A. Busiaux and the Commission's heaps of Borinage already actively preparing the next school year. Hopefully this project is still many years before him.