nature for 2010/2011
The reserve management requires continued attention if we want to better allow it to accommodate a still richer biodiversity.
Some ecosystems such as forest ecosystems, require only occasional and light maintenance. While ecosystems called "open" call, them, constant work, if you do not wish to see them close up under the vegetation.
To achieve the management of these habitats, The Management of Terrils Borinage organizes nature camps every first Saturday of each month from October April.
schedule for next season is now known, make a note of support for us there.
Events on and around Marcasse
The sites will be of:
Saturday, September 4, 2010 Saturday, October 2, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010 Saturday, December 4, 2010
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Note that the first Saturday of January falls on the first day of the year, we will start 2011 with a construction site on Jan. 8, but this time in our sister reserve: Reserve natural Fred heap.
Where to go to participate?
The Nature sites are held on the dates announced. They start at 08:30 and end around 12:00.
The venue is located you on the path to Saint-Ghislain Wasmes. From Wasmes, simply go to the park Colfontaine containers and take the first street next to the left. The venue allows you to park the car.
But what is a nature site?
As described in the first part of this message, nature sites are designed to maintain a nature reserve to enable it to achieve the objectives of biodiversity management and fixed in advance.
It is therefore of manual labor or mechanical in nature and conducted in a friendly atmosphere by a team of volunteers.
The general principles are still fun, the work is therefore performed according to the pace and feel of each.

Who can participate?
The sites are open to all and are free. Everyone can participate, and work is considered for each age category and for all conditions physical. There is no real constraint, and it is always possible to adapt to this group.
What should I take with me?
equipment for construction sites is provided by our parent association "Natagora. We usually have gloves for participants.
However if you have a good saw, a good loppers, it can sometimes be useful to take them. Depending on weather conditions, it may be interesting to equip clothing rain.

Am I covered?
Nature sites, participants are covered by accident insurance taken by the association Natagora.
What kind of work?
In Nature sites, jobs are usually multiple. Include: felling small and large trees, limbing felled trees, cut shrubs and reduction of branches, cutting briars or invasive species, mowing open areas, garbage collection mowing, trail maintenance, installation of signs, collecting Dehette ....

Should I be in good physical condition ?
activities are mainly manual work. The configuration of the reserve with its heaps may require an ascent of the team and equipment.
However it is not necessary to be an accomplished athlete to participate in our yards, it is possible to adapt the work provided for participants and the potential rate.
In general the group consists of people of all age groups, but it does pose a problem.
And if it rains?
The outdoor activities are unfortunately subject to weather conditions.
sites are generally maintained, but may then be adapted see shortened so that it remains comfortable.
Doubt? Contact one of two curators listed below.

But I am not free on that date!
No problem come to the yard below, or contact us to join other activities of the Board of Management Terrils Borinage.
you want, anyway, take part in a nature site in the month? The Commission manages a second Nature Reserve in the town of Dour: The reservation "Terril Frederick." The Nature sites are held the second Saturday of the month, you can contact the curator of this reserve (Jean-Luc Deghilage;; 065 63 04 47)
shipyards in the nature reserve "Terril Frederick "will be held:
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010 Saturday, November 13, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010 Saturday, January 8, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Who contact?
Jeremy Denis, (0476 24 21 90 071 59 52 22 mail:
Yves Carlier, (065 78 08 60, email: @ carlier.yves60)
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