Remember: the nature reserve "Marc and around" occupies former mining land, which the slag heap of Mark. And a heap, given its abiotic characteristics (bedrock, permeability, exposure to heat, etc..) Offers plants living conditions sometimes analogous to the limestone terrain, which explains the presence of certain plants called calciphilous (which like a limestone substrate).
Among them, one of the most common, but also one of the most conspicuous (for its size and flower color) is the Vipérine (Echium vulgare). The
Vipérine is part of the family Boraginaceae that rely on well-known plants such as Borage (Borago officinalis), Comfrey (Symphytum officinale), the Myosotis (Myosotis div. Sp.). Most plants of this family have stiff hairs, what and where the Vipérine.

The Vipérine is a biennial plant. After germination, the seed will give rise to a rosette of leaves. This is the form that the plant spends the first year. The second year, starting with a leafy stem densely hairy high and 40 to 60 cm, will be born the first cymes of flowers reddish, then blue, pink or white. Corolla, consisting of petals, have unequal lobes and has a trumpet shape. The stamens protruding beyond the corolla tube, are probably the origin of the French name of the plant. Indeed, in profile, the flower looks like a snake's mouth tongue.
Despite its name, is an edible plant Vipérine: its petals are attractively garnish salads, drinks or your own goodies.
It is also very attractive to nectar and thus gathering insects.
If you would like to welcome in your garden, it will take a seat naked and sunny, otherwise the seeds will not germinate.
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