Nature Reserve and surroundings Marcasse began in October 2007 under the leadership of two local nature lovers: Yves Carlier and Jeremy Denis, who currently provide conservation.
This nature reserve is part of the reserve network of the Association of Conservation Natagora asbl. It is managed by the Board of Management Terrils Borinage.

This reserve contains a mosaic of diverse terrain, all from the mining history of the region. This is the case of heaps or areas resulting exploitation of old dumps. The
heaps consist of an accumulation of waste (mainly schist) from the mining of previous centuries.
Some dumps have been the subject of planting to stabilize slopes, but overall they were left to themselves after the cessation of coal mining in the Borinage (end of first half of the twentieth century ).
The heaps are, originally, pristine ecosystems of vegetation, with the specific abiotic very pronounced: steep slopes, good sun exposure for certain payments, mainly schist or gravelly soil, very dry with a significant drainage and rapid facies overall quite troubled with many micro-habitats,
... These characteristics have allowed the heaps of to host a fauna and flora very diverse, even original compared to all the surrounding region.
However, with time and lack of management of these habitats, dumps tend to become covered with forest vegetation is no longer possible in this original ecosystem to exist. While these aspects of forestry can be interesting from a naturalistic point of view and landscape dumps are unfortunately over the years, their biodiversity is commonplace.

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, human activities disrupt the normal cycle and comprehensive nature. And stage the most common nowadays is the forest stage. It is therefore interesting, in some places to maintain open areas to allow flora and fauna, which it is specialized to maintain and survive for future generations.
It is this goal we are trying to reach the nature reserve of Mark and surroundings. Assisted by many volunteers, we try to sustain biodiversity in these dumps as rich as possible.
Marcasse Nature Reserve and surroundings is Belgium. More specifically in the province of Hainaut, twenty miles south of the city of Mons.
The heaps are found in an old coal region: the Coal-mining, specifically in the town of Colfontaine and former village Wasmes.

Marcasse Nature Reserve and surrounding area is managed by the Board of Management Terrils Borinage member of the Association of Conservation Natagora asbl.
The commission is also responsible for managing the nature reserve "Terril Frederick "Located on the town of Dour.
The committee assignments as management and protection of lands from mining heritage Borinage and the promotion of nature reserves in her care.
To manage the reserves of the Commission, construction sites "nature" are held monthly from September to April. These sites are open to all, and we offer participants the tasks suited to their physical abilities.
For dates, please contact the Conservatives or monitor information provided by this blog regularly.
Besides activities related to ecosystem management "heaps", the Commission is also responsible for a multitude of activities aimed at raising awareness of the heaps, protection of nature and the environment, etc..
These objectives are expressed through specific activities, tours, educational projects, actions directed to schools, ...
Interest Reserve
Besides biodiversity, which is presented below, the vast richness of this subject also comes its position on the outskirts of a densely populated and built: the Borinage. This heap is a peri-urban reserves, which contributes fully to the green network in the middle of the conurbation of Mons-Borinage. This reserve is an island nature reserves between the multiple of the valley of the Haine and the natural park of High Country.
Future development and extension
If the reserve is now limited to the heap of Mark and a wasteland surrounding area and its land is still close to a natural area of the first importance.
By adding adjacent lands (Bing VI and the area will result from the heap XVIII), this area encompasses a multitude of natural habitats on an area of more than 35 hectares, all with a very rich biodiversity.
The Management of Terrils Borinage working since its creation, the realization of this great natural area. It is in the context of this work that the reservation was extended to the wasteland and the whole heap of Marcasse while it was originally limited to a portion of the slag heap of Mark.
The realization of this nature reserve is not utopian, contacts have already been developed very taken with the various landowners in question (common inter).
In the near future, so we can expect the creation of a large nature reserve within the Borinage.
The reserve is accessible freely and without restriction. It is, however, asked visitors to respect the highest places, to preserve the peace, not to leave garbage, and if possible to maintain existing trails so as not to disturb the whole area.
For more information about what is possible you can contact one of the curators.
Access train: Mons-Tournai-Mons Quiévrain, stopping at the station of Saint-Ghislain
Bus: From Saint-Ghislain line 1 to Mons, stop up Wasmes (20min walk) to the Mount Street -Leville along the town hall, 500 meters, turn right onto Wilson Street (strong side), 2 km later turn right onto Rue de Marco, the heap is at the end of this road.
By car: Brussels-Paris motorway (E42), exit 25 Saint-Ghislain, take direction until Colfontaine Place Wasmes take Rue Mont-Leville along the town hall, 500 meters, turn right onto Wilson Street (Strong side), 2 km later turn right onto Rue de Marco, the heap is at the end of this road.
The site is not suitable for the disabled, and requires good physical condition if you want to go to the top of the heap.
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