Monday, January 10, 2011

Ingredients Octinoxate

Interview Houtart, member of the Truth Commission in Honduras

December 20, 2010

Giorgio Trucchi

Interview Houtart

Honduras is debate in economic crisis, social and political leadership since the coup that ousted President Manuel Zelaya in June 2009. Despite the image of "peaceful country and standardized" than the current government of Porfirio Lobo tries to project internationally, organizations that integrate the Platform of Human Rights in Honduras continue to denounce the constant violations of human rights and have installed a "truth commission" to clarify the abuses committed since the coup.

Houtart, priest, sociologist, member of the International Council of World Social Forum is also a member of the Truth Commission. In this interview given to Opera Mundi, it analyzes the difficult situation facing Honduras. The Belgian sociologist believes that consolidation of draft overhaul of FNRP (National Front for Popular Resistance) could involve an increase in repression and that the United States government is no stranger to this situation. According to him, he wants to reposition itself in the Latin American region, the coup in Honduras is an important piece this strategy.

GT: Seventeen months after the coup in Honduras, how do you see the situation of human rights in this country?

FH: It does not improve. It is getting worse even with the difficult social and economic situation. We know that the coup was led by a traditional oligarchy opposed to the change process. She refuses to lose its privileges. Now it holds back the power and it controls the politics and economics, she refuses any other advanced society. All those who try to fight are seen as enemies to kill. It does not happen next week without victims. We still live a very tense situation.

GT: What is the role of the Truth Commission in a context so complicated?

FH: The objectives of the committee are to investigate human rights violations from the coup, the history of the latter, its consequences on the actors who were behind this event. And finally, to investigate the overall context of the country because we can understand these facts without knowing the social, economic and political development of Honduras. All this will inform ce qui s’est réellement passé et de montrer qui sont les véritables responsables.

GT : Récemment, le représentant du Département d’Etat nord-américain Philip J. Crowley a déclaré que “le thème des droits de l’homme n’est pas une condition préalable au retour du Honduras au sein de l’Organisation des Etats américains (OEA)”. Quelle lecture faites-vous de cette déclaration ?

FH : Cela fait partie de la logique politique des Etats-Unis. Ils ont condamné le coup d’État comme méthode mais pas comme objectif : stopper les processus de changement en cours. A présent, ils veulent légitimer the current government to continue its policies and give the appearance of a normalization in the region.

GT: What role did the coup in Honduras in the region?

FH: Honduras was the most fragile of all the countries that are processing. So a warning to the entire continent and we have observed in several suites. When a country refuses to align with the North American policies and local oligarchies, there is not military intervention as in the past, but which are based destabilization on new methods and instruments.

GT: The issue of Obama's role in the coup in Honduras is posed by some. What do you think?

FH: When you look at his foreign policy, there is no doubt that this is a continuity with the previous period. The style may differ, not the substance. The case of Honduras provides a clear illustration.

GT: It also says that the U.S. has many problems in the Middle East and in Latin America this time is not a priority.

FH: The Latin American continent always retain a great importance to the United States, the control is necessary. It is obvious that the processes of Latin American unity much concern. As concern also the orientation of these processes which seek to consider the economics and politics beyond the capitalist economy and the market economy. This is for the United States, a long-term threat to the continuity of the system and their interests.

GT: In the case of Honduras, is that such a system change that most concerns the United States?

FH: In part, yes. But most important is the accession of Honduras to the Bolivarian Alliance of the Peoples of America (Alba). From the perspective of the United States, it was a bad signal to other countries in the Central American region and that is why they decided to intervene.

GT: The formation process FNRP in Honduras is unprecedented in the region. Do you think that the Front will achieve the goal to reestablish the country?

FH: It is an organized resistance by grassroots movements and it is something very innovative. I think expected to achieve its objectives as it will maintain the unity of all sectors and that sooner or later he may find a translation into the political arena to promote structural reform of the state.

GT: A rise of FNRP it may involve more repression?

FH: There is no doubt. The government believes that people will get tired and that the resistance will disappear gradually. If this does not happen, as I believe it will be written a scenario of violence very disturbing.

GT: In this context, the presence of a Truth Commission assumes greater importance?

FH: Work has already begun. All members have traveled the country to collect evidence and analyze the progress of the process.

Source: (original Portuguese) (English version)


French translation: Thierry Deronne


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