Happy New Year to all! With much delay, I'm always trolling I know but hey better late than never huh?! xD
Okay so what's up for a good month ... hm not bad and made com-Finished
Commission Yuli-chan

The first two commissions Hot January. A special theme for January to warm up a bit by this weather.
Commissions Bns

Commission Alrack

Oh by that, I finished the artbook Yami no hana Revival. ^ ^ It is necessary that I command to see the results for printing and then I'll give you the link for those who want to buy it. ^ ^ It costs 9 € and includes 40 full color pages.
as I walk on the sketchbook of Treason with pretty Eavan. (See my Da)
Mh sinan lot of work on the side. But for now I can not show anything. You'll get a link one day for those who are interested in graphic design. (Creation of logos, posters, business cards ...)^^
Sorry for the lack of news on this blog but it is a little spirit to die because nobody So it goes above no longer gives too eager to fill. I thank also the three unfortunate people who read and leave coms. ^ 3 ^
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