Saturday, May 24, 2008

How Long Does Aquariumsilicone Take To Dry

You are indebted


You are indebted


What to do?

You have debts!
You are no longer able to repay them.
You are in a serious financial situation.

Before initiating any procedure for handling situations debt, ask your debt rescheduling , or delay payment to your creditors.

If the situation persists, you can enter the debt commission.

You can benefit from the procedure for handling situations indebtedness.

This procedure allows, under certain conditions:

  • grant repayment periods;
  • of reduce the amount of debt or to erase part or all.
Under what conditions can you benefit from the procedure for handling situations of debt overhang?
  • loans you have made have become too large relative to your resources, you can not pay your monthly payments.
  • Unforeseen events (unemployment, divorce, illness, accident, death in your family ...) prevent you from paying your current living expenses (rent, expenses ...).
What should you do?

You must contact the debt commission individuals who is responsible to help you solve your situation if you're deeply in debt (e).

Where is she?

There is a debt commission individuals, in each department, located

Bank of France.

You find the address and phone number of the debt commission closest to your home directory, the Prefecture or by contacting social services.

relationship with the bank


The procedure does not create excessive debt mandatory withdrawal of the checkbook and / or credit card it depends on the decision of each bank. Indeed, nothing in the text, not have to. Do not confuse registration FICP (Incidents loan repayment) and FCC (File Central Cheques: Delinquency reported on checks and bans issuing checks).

Some bankers are hiding behind the Bank of France or the Commission to accept this decision to the debtor. If hold a bank account is a right, payment methods are themselves at the sole discretion of the bank.

Moreover, some bankers can forget existing regulations and should remind them of the prohibition to levy charges on the release of levy. Article L.331-3: " In case of rejection of a notice of levy Post-notification of the decision on admissibility, the creditors can not collect fees or commissions relating thereto. "


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