Saturday, December 19, 2009

Roseville Galleria Abercrombie

SOS snakes "- Midi-Pyrenees Stage

A group of volunteers has created a herpetologists intervention unit named "There are snakes in my garden", whose field Action is the Midi-Pyrenees. Coordinated by two associations, Nature Midi-Pyrenees and the ANA, this initiative aims to inform the general public is faced with snakes in the life of every day, and avoid direct destruction of animals. This project is mediated via an information leaflet, distributed free, downloadable in pdf by clicking this link (1.1 MB) or on the image below. Information is also disseminated through conferences and through the website Naturazoom .

An oral communication presented "There's a snake in my garden" (click on the link to download the pdf - 1.7 MB) at the 4th meeting of the national conservation of amphibians and reptiles Ménigoute.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Swatches Lorac Hollywood Blush

training amphibian-reptile

(click on images to view larger):

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Landjaeger Sausage For Sale

Conference-debate on 4 / 11: mobilization of women's movements in Honduras in resistance to the coup

The Movement of Women 29 rue Blanche
association invites you to a conference
the discussion Wednesday, November 4 at 19:30

mobilization of women's movements in Honduras in resistance to the coup

Karen Bahr, Honduran researcher in Belgium, Institute of Development Studies - UCL
Causes, Consequences and Sponsors of the coup in Honduras in June 2009,
Geostrategy and regional issues, signing the new politico-economic (Alba, ..)
• The social, economic and politics (maquilas, export, multinational U.S. military bases, the San Jose, U.S. role)
Honduras, testing ground for a reversal in all of Latin America?
• Working conditions, poverty and violence against women in the maquilas
• Mobilization and site of the feminist movement in the Popular Resistance Front National resistance against the coup

Cecilia Lamarque , sent CADTM in international mission (summer 2009) to support peaceful marches against the coup in Honduras
testimony of his mission in summer 2009
roles of media and media lies
shares of the popular resistance and output crisis: role, position and complicity of the U.S. - Europe - Belgium and what actions?

Organization: Fotoula Ioannidis
Movements Women 29 rue Blanche asbl 29 rue Blanche 1060 Brussels
Tel: 02/538.47.73 - Email: rae.29rueblanche @ skynet. Be
Free Admission
Snacks and drinks available from 18.30

Monday, October 26, 2009

Nausea After Eating Sushi

Honduras, popular sovereignty

What has really happened the night of June 27 to 28 at the home of President Zelaya? In return, three months later, at home, it undermines the forces coup. An opinion Magasich Jorge, a professor of Latin American history at IHECS.

The return of President Manuel Zelaya in his country on September 21 where he took refuge at the Brazilian embassy, is struggling the coup that seized power on June 28, and has opened possibilities for restoring the rule of law. However, the government formed after the coup is the only one who managed to stay in power in Latin America since the overthrow of Jean-Bertrand Aristide in Haiti in 1991.
elected in late 2005, Manuel Zelaya has taken some urgent decisions to curb the country's breakup, as easy credit to SMEs, regulate logging and legalize the "morning after" pill. He also started four major guidelines:
1) approximation with the Bolivarian Alliance (Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Venezuela), which opens access to medicines Cuban, its medical schools and literacy methods, and which importantly, allows deferred payment Honduras from 17 to 25 years of Venezuelan oil, at an annual interest of 1% to 2% and possible reimbursement of local products;
2) 60% increase in the minimum wage, bringing it to 280 U $.
3) considering the commercial use of the airport in the U.S. military base, the best in the country;
4) steps to give the country a more democratic constitution, as were seven Latin American countries since 1979.

fierce opposition from business involves the breaking of Zelaya with other Liberal leaders, which makes him lose his parliamentary majority. For cons, the President enjoys broad popular support, expressed by a new activity of social movements.

The current Constitution was drafted in 1982 under the dictatorship of généralPolicarpo Paz, when Washington erected the military base in the heart of the war against Nicaragua. This is a fixed charter and any reform requires majorities impossible and some of these items "can not be modified under any circumstances", even if there is consensus. In addition, it provides for the appointment of members of the Supreme Court by Parliament, which promotes political quotas (8 for the Liberal Party, 7 for the National Party) and judges subservient to the parliamentary majority. The Court has thus become the backbone of the conservative opposition, striking often illegal efforts of the Executive.
If the Constitution makes it impracticable a referendum, it does not prohibit consultations, which Zelaya's decision to hold a non-binding on whether to convene a constituent assembly, an idea rejected without reason by the Supreme Court, but supported by 400,000 signatures. June 28, Hondurans were asked the question: "Do you agree that during the 2009 elections a fourth ballot box is installed to enable the people to decide on the convening of a Constituent Assembly?" This process has a precedent in the region: in 1990 elections in Colombia, students were asked to add a newsletter for the convening of a Constituent Assembly. The success of this initiative prompted the then President to organize a referendum in which 87% of Colombians voted "yes", the starting point of the current Constitution.

In one scenario - alas! - Known on the night of June 27 to 28, soldiers stormed the home of President and grow in an airplane. Parliament "accepts" the resignation and elect Mr. Micheletti. The conspirators then spread their version: Zelaya wanted to organize a referendum against the constitution to seek re-election and the Supreme Court was dismissed and the army has arrested and deported.

In reality, such a "dismissal" is impossible in a state of law. Even this rigid Constitution does not give such powers to the courts and provides immunity to the president. A delegation of lawyers from the FIDH noted that "the order of arrest" has been known that 24 hours after the coup. And the letter of resignation presidential proved false. These two texts are also contradictory: why have you accepted the resignation of a president impeached? According to Leticia Salomón, a researcher at the University of Honduras, the coup has been prepared and funded by the employers, including the former president and Mr. M. Facussé Canahuati, owner of two newspapers and several TV.
What is Washington's policy on this issue? It is now established that the Bush administration was involved in the attempted coup in Venezuela in 2002. Six years later, in 2008, Bolivia has expelled the U.S. ambassador, Mr. Goldberg (former Chief of Mission in Kosovo), as it met regularly with governors who were preparing a coup separatist.
Under Obama, the situation remains worrying. Last April, the Air France-Paris-Mexico has been prohibit overflight of the United States and was forced to land in Martinique, because of the presence on board of Mr. Calvo, a collaborator of Le Monde Diplomatique "of Colombian origin, and in August, another flight knew same fate, because at its edge, was the Belgian lawyer, Mr. Dupret, advisor to the left to Parliament. If there are officials who are bent on criminalizing ideas, there are probably others who, despite the condemnation of the coup in Tegucigalpa by Obama, still practice the traditional policy of "big stick" .
Currently, the White House seems to encourage agreement that would restore Zelaya, but with reduced powers and no constituent assembly, which would make it comparable to the return of Jean-Bertrand Aristide in Haiti in 1994.
On site, the Front of resistance to the coup is surprising in its magnitude and persistence: for 120 days, the teachers union, the peasant movement La Via Campesina, indigenous organizations and women develop a constant activity, despite the measures Law enforcement and dozens of deaths.
Moreover, the coup met with widespread international condemnation, even if the United States and Europe have not clearly denounced the "elections" that the coup leaders prepare for November 29 (as did the UN), and that much of aid continues. Belgium, meanwhile, has not ruled out the pro-coup Ambassador, Mr. Custodio, despite demandeformelle President Zelaya.
In an interesting analysis, Mr. Garretón lawyer, former Rapporteur of the UN on Congo, and M. Ruz find that the coup Honduras has a striking resemblance with that of Chile in 1973: in both case, the conspirators have prevented the people to speak. 36 years ago, Pinochet had advanced his coup to prevent Allende's President announces the call for a plebiscite. Three months ago, the Honduran military blocked the organization of democratic consultation. The one and the others were afraid of the expression of popular sovereignty.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Pokemon Deluge Cheats Hack

Tuesday, October 27: Evening debate in solidarity with Honduras

Alternatives to Brussels (initiated by the Socialist Unity Party of Morocco and Belgium-Izquierda Unida)
in collaboration with the Platform for Democracy in Honduras , the Committee Daniel Galliard, Committee on April 13 and Hands off Venezuela


a discussion evening in solidarity with Honduras

Roberto Martínez, Ambassador-designate of Honduras by legitimate government and
Paul Emile Dupret , advisor of the GUE / NGL Group in the European Parliament

Presentation of the Platform for Democracy in Honduras

Doors open at 19h, 20h debate. Possibility of on-site catering.
Admission free.
In Garcia Lorca , 47-49 rue des Fullers 1000 Brussels (Metro Anneessens)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Stool Blood Cranberry

2010 Site and Blog of the SEH Conservation Committee pamphlet publication

The Committee Conservation SEH (Conservation Committee) has just established a website and blog, available at the following address:

Lipoma On Sternum Area

The French Committee of IUCN published this month an 8-page brochure that outlines the chapters Amphibians and Reptiles of France from the national Red List. This document is available from the French Committee of IUCN, or downloaded in pdf format on the following link:

Or download the pdf file directly by clicking the image below:

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sony Dvp Sr200p Plugs

talk with a delegation of resistance Honduran

Platform for Democracy in Honduras you Calls
this Friday, October 16 at 19:00
to Maison de la Paix, Room Rosa Luxembourg
35, rue Van Elewyck Ixelles

a discussion with a delegation
resistance to the coup d State in Honduras

• Jesus Garza, director of the Coalition of Honduran citizen action, former Vice-President of FIAN International
• Olga Teruel , Centro de derechos de mujeres (Centre for Women's Rights)
• Hector Soto, the Group of civil society
• Felix Antonio Molina, journalist of Radio Progreso resistance

7:00 p.m. welcome drink
7:30 p.m. discussion (translation)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Can I Take Yaz As Aemergency Contraception

Conference: coup and popular resistance in Honduras

Conference debate Wednesday, Oct. 14

Coup and Popular Resistance in Honduras

at 19:30 at Casa Nicaragua - Pierreuse Street, 23 Liège

With Jesus • Garza, director of the Coalition of Honduran citizen action, former Vice-President of FIAN International
• Olga Teruel, Centro de derechos de mujeres (Centre for Women's Rights)
• Hector Soto, the Group of civil society
• Felix Antonio Molina, journalist of Radio Progreso resistance

Organized by FIAN Belgium in collaboration with CADTM

FIAN Belgium FIAN FIAN @ . be - 02 640 84 17 / 087 88 35 21
CADTM Belgium - 04 226 62 85

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Petite Bridal Gowns Nj

Red List of Next Meeting Conservation Commission

The next meeting of the Committee on Conservation of SHF will be Saturday, October 10 morning at CEFE-CNRS in Montpellier. This meeting will be held under the annual meeting of the SHF . A summary of activity will then be given at the general meeting of the SHF Saturday, October 10th afternoon.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Easton Sv12 - Ssv1breviews

Orsini's viper (continued)

In the note of July 11, 2009 , we discussed a problem of conservation of Orsini's viper on one of the sites of occurrence in the Vaucluse. The SHF , alerted by Mr. Jean-Pierre Baron, had sent a letter to the Prefect of the department to alert the heritage status and fragile species.
Jean-Pierre Baron told us that this mobilization (not just the SHF, but many actors and stakeholders involved in conservation) has borne fruit, since in the end, everything went well. The bike race has taken place, and recommendations for public access to protected areas have been met. In total 20 people (including 5 sworn wardens, volunteers, program participants LIFE) were on the ground to monitor the course of the day. In addition to the barriers put in place by the General Council of Vaucluse to delineate the area of the BAPA, the barrier tape marked off a sensitive area off BAPA. The riders, members of the crew, and spectators were gathered on the road, and obviously did not feel the need to break the recommendations to go on the habitat of snakes. Population viper Orsini has endured without damage the flow of 25 000 total attendees to participate in this sporting event.
This experiment, based on mediation and dialogue, has been inconclusive. Hope for the future, local authorities will take into account before the project environmental constraints, and that they are who contact herpetologists and managers for advice.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hang In The Water Anode

4 th national meetings on conservation

Herpetological Society of France - Festival Ménigoute

4 th national meetings on the conservation of
amphibians and reptiles

Amphibians and reptiles are among the groups vertebrates that are currently the most threatened in the world. Sensitive to habitat destruction, they are also strongly affected by the use of toxic chemicals, climate change, introduction of invasive species and that all forms of trafficking (illegal trade in many species). In this context it is crucial to identify habitats "key" for ectotherms and implement appropriate management measures.

The Committee Conservation Herpetological Society of France (SHF) offers, for the fourth consecutive year a national day of meetings at the festival Ménigoute (Deux-Sevres). It revolves around two events:

A - Conservation Day. On Friday, October 30, 2009 from 10am to 18h
college Ménigoute
This day is devoted to the presentation of conservation actions undertaken or planned, to share experiences in the protection, inventory, management environments for amphibians and reptiles. It focuses on communications and posters made by scientists, managers, and representatives of associations. The morning will be devoted to the conservation of reptiles and the afternoon to that of amphibians.
A detailed program will be aired later on the website of the SHF.


Persons wishing to present an oral communication (20 'maximum, Powerpoint presentation) or written (poster) should contact Olivier HEAVY CEBC CNRS olivier.lourdais (at) cebc. stating:
- the theme of communication
- oral or written
- presenting a summary of Communication (A4 with title and address of authors)

B - Day 'Workshop . On Saturday, October 31, 2009 from 10 to 18 at the College of
This day is devoted to thinking in "round table" on a concrete problem of conservation of reptiles and amphibians. It addresses both the conservation players, managers spaces, homeowners and communities. The objective of this day is to identify management measures considering the needs of reptiles and amphibians and enforceable by different actors.
The theme this year is "The Importance of herpetofauna edges" with two questions:
- How to integrate reptiles and amphibians in management circles bordars?
- What are the constraints and opportunities in forest and wooded landscapes?

entry registration only.

Those wishing to participate should contact Olivier HEAVY CEBC CNRS olivier.lourdais (at)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Penis Shrink In Tight Underwear

Create youth

At the time of project closure Crea Garden

young Europeans have mounted an exhibition.

Here's the video and power point broadcast exposure:


Power point:

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Incubation. For Impatigo

Welcome to the blog of the commission "Participation of young people in local life"! CREA

The city of Tours (France) hosts this commission and develop projects with network members who are interested in this subject.

You will find all news of this commission and will comment at any time.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Bushnell Binocular Driver

GARDENS - Press book

The CREA GARDEN ends, 16 young Europeans met at Tours (France) around various workshops open to the botanical garden.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

How To Parallel Wire Alpine Subwoofer


At Botanical Garden Tours, 16 young farmers of Europe

They are 16 young Europeans from Tours (Fr), Isla ( mt), Brasov (RO) and Evora (Pt), which will meet at the Botanical Garden in August to share and learn from their differences.

Just last year the jury of the Entente Floral Tours attributed to the gold medal of the European flowering. What more natural then for the city of Tours, to host the botanical garden, 1 to August 20, sixteen young people from 4 countries members of AVEC (Alliance of European Cities of Culture) ...

Reprinted Tours Info July August 2009:

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Best Place To Buy Pokemon Cards In Reno Nevada

The frog breeding fields in the large bogs Marchiennes

Here is a statement of our colleague herpetologist William Lemoine, in charge of missions ENS General Council of the North:

The moor frog, Rana arvalis, a species unique to the French fauna encountered mainly in the Northern Department. Caby and its discovery by Constantin de Magny (Caby & Constantin de Magny, 1999) in the bog Vred was in 1999. A second observation of the species was reported the same year at the Great Bog Marchiennes located about 3 kilometers from the bog by Lucien Vred Kerautret.
Bog alkaline Marchiennes, also located in the territory of the regional Natural Scarpe-Escaut, form a set of nearly 50 acres, much of which is subject to regular surveys to characterize the state of the population and Ecology fields of the frog. The first inventories pushed
were made by Rondel & Scrève (2003). The authors were able to observe the presence of spawning and photograph a amplexus. Rondel Scrève and were the first to provide evidence of its reproduction in this sector. Since then, annual surveys are conducted jointly by the Northern Department (owner of part of the site under its policy of sensitive natural areas (SLA) and the Regional Natural Park Ornithological Group and naturalist Nord-Pas de Calais (GON) to confirm this initial observation and to locate areas issues with respect to this species. Beginning in April 2009 (02.04.2009) new bridges were located by Julien Leroy, county custody, charged with monitoring this species in this area. Observation and photography just after metamorphosis froglets confirmed breeding of this species Marchiennes exceptional.

Caby, B. & Constantin de Magny, G. 1999 - Status of Amphibians and Reptiles Nature Reserve Volunteer of the Great Bog Vred (North). Memory internship Masters of Population Biology and Ecosystems. Natural Area Regional Natural Park Scarpe-Escaut and Sciences University et Technologies de Lille. 24 p + annexes.
RONDEL, S. & Scrève, F., 2003 - inventory, mapping and analysis of amphibian populations on the Great Bog Marchiennes and its surroundings. Memory internship Masters of Population Biology and Ecosystems. General Council of the North University of Science and Technology of Lille. 86 p.

Imago Rana arvalis Marchiennes discovered in 2009, photo © William Lemoine (click image):

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Black Stool 36 Week Pregnant

Conservancy's viper Orsini

Conservation Commission of HFS was alerted by Jean- Pierre Baron, specialist Orsini's viper, about a sporting event which will take cyclist on July 20 on one of the sites of occurrence of species in the Vaucluse. The event in question needs to attract several thousand spectators, and the presence of so many people on the site could have significant impacts on the population of Orsini's viper. Thus, the SHF has requested the local authority to take into account the presence of this protected species and threatened, and recommended the establishment of actions to ensure the protection of snakes during the course of the race. More information later !

Monday, February 9, 2009

Hands And Feet Burning Sensation After Shower

Adulthood in Europe

How do you become a real adult in Europe?

Should from her parents, graduating graduation, entering the workforce, or simply feel adult?

The transition from childhood to adulthood has evolved throughout Europe: if the former generation from the family home was automatically enter the adult world, it is not quite the case today.

Cécile Van de Velde, a lecturer at the EHESS and author of the book "Adulthood. Comparative Sociology of Youth in Europe", decrypts Euronautes for this pivotal period in young Europeans. The book is the result of a lengthy investigation in Denmark, the United Kingdom, France and Spain, which tends to highlight contemporary social logic that accompany this metamorphosis in Western Europe.